
Related Complementary Therapies

As well as being a qualified hypnotherapist with over 25 years’ experience, Subliminals 4U founder David Carson is also trained in EFT therapy Reiki and Integral Eye Movement Therapy 

Both alternative therapies with success stories all over the world, these techniques work in harmony with subliminal hypnosis. 

This means that David can use his healing skills to supercharge your subliminal hypnosis audio experience or treat you for separate issues using a combination of techniques. Read on to find out more about these complementary therapies.  

What is EFT?
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or EFT tapping, is an alternative treatment that can help relieve physical and emotional issues. As well as easing physical pain and cravings, EFT therapy can help to alleviate negative emotions caused by past experiences. These distressing feelings include anger, anxiety and guilt.  

Like acupuncture, with EFT the meridian points are the focus. Instead of needles, pressure is used by tapping the fingertips on the meridian points in turn. This goes hand-in-hand with the repetition of a positive affirmation three times at each of the points, working down the body.  

The aim is to restore energy balance to these energy hotspots to relieve symptoms. Once you tap into these points a stress-relief signal is sent to the brain. The more balanced your energy flow to and between these points, the healthier you are. Read more about EFT here.  

How can EFT therapy help me? 
EFT tapping therapy has been successfully used to treat PTSD and other anxiety related disorders such as grief, depression and insomnia. There is a wide range of symptoms that EFT tapping might help and David Carson – as an EFT Practitioner and EFT Reimprinting Matrix Practitioner – can help. 

“…my own experience prior to EFT was full of physical and emotional illness, as so many people today. Through the gift of those who shared this technique with me I gradually found the health, confidence and abundance that are now my life’s experience. EFT has changed my relationships with everyone and everything around me” 
– Karl Dawson, International EFT trainer. 

After studying under  Karl Dawson, one of only 29 EFT Founding Masters in the world, David is primed with the skills and experience to guide you through your tapping journey. Please get in touch if you’d like a consultation (either online or over the phone) for EFT therapy with David. 

What is reiki? 
A spiritual healing relaxation technique stemming from Japan, reiki also focuses on the body’s energy. This is an unseen life force energy, which if low or blocked can make you feel unwell or stressed – again, like the principles of Chinese medicine.  

Reiki energy transfer can be applied using a hands-on technique or hands just above the body, to improve the flow of stagnated energy around the body. Reiki distance healing, where the reiki practitioner visualises and works through the treatment process, is also an option. Reiki therapists may use crystals, chakras and positive affirmations to enhance the healing technique.  

Reiki healing is an energy therapy that’s increasingly popular here in the UK and abroad. It’s been shown to help many painful and energy depleting conditions, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and recovery from surgery, as well as emotional states. Sometimes warming, the treatment is usually relaxing and reinvigorating – like a good night’s sleep.

How can reiki help me?  
Qualified Reiki Master of more than 20 years, David Carson can use distance reiki and chakra symbols to turbocharge the healing energy of your Subliminals 4U audio experience. Trained using the Usui System of Natural Healing, David will use his skills to help you harmonise – addressing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.  
[Insert testimonial from reiki customer]  

A veteran at using reiki therapy to heal himself and others, David’s happy for you to contact him for a free consultation so he can assess the best way to use reiki to help with your healing and/or self-development.

Is it time you changed your mind 
and your life?

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